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Everyone deserves a spring break!

While we can’t give you a week off, we can give you a chance to WIN prizes help you BREAK FREE from a ho-hum spring. Enter today for a chance to win 1 of 6 SPRING-tastic prize packs, including:

  • 2 Picnic Prize Packs featuring fully stocked picnic baskets and hammock
  • 2 Family Fun Prize Packs featuring a customized California Giant toss (corn-hole) game and additional outdoor games
  • 2 Culinary Prize Packs featuring a Kitchen Aid Mixer each

Entries will be accepted from March 9 through April 19, 2015.

Simply fill out the form to enter! 

For a full list of prizes and more details, please read the official rules and regulations.

Enter your information below, and opt-in to emails from California Giant featuring the latest recipes and promotions.